Project Confidant

Projects are, by definition, temporary activities in organisations. Projects can have many purposes and there are organisations where employees work exclusively on projects, e.g. for research and development. Projects set up for reorganisations, such as implementations of major (ICT) changes, can be sensitive for the project staff involved and the employees who will be affected by the change (in the future). This sensitivity can transform into resistance, which can jeopardise the achievement of the project objectives. Resistance has many forms, such as cynicism, complaining, sabotage or aggression/angriness. Resistance can develop into undesirable behaviour, such as bullying and harassment.

Using a Project Confidant can help if such undesirable behaviour occurs during the project. It also helps to identify sensitivities in time and prevent resistance. It is pleasant for all (project) employees involved to know that a listening ear is always available during the project.

How do I work? During the project kick-off, I introduce myself, explain what people can contact me for, what happens next and how staff can reach me. Then I am available for the duration of the project. If a staff member contacts me, a conversation takes place in a neutral place so that it remains confidential with whom I have a conversation. I then explore with the reporter what a solution might be. The direction for implementing the solution lies with the reporter.

Furthermore, I can support and advise the project manager and relevant departments of the organisation on preventing and dealing with resistance and undesirable behaviour. Moreover, I discuss the signals I receive during the project with the project manager, anonymously of course, and advise based on those signals.

The advantages of using a Project Confidant:
– Knowing that there is a listening ear for a confidential conversation, helps improve the feeling of safety, thus enhancing wellbeing, and thus increasing productivity and performance of the involved employees.
– A Project Confidant is independent of the organisation, so there is no personal interest in the project or its result
– The responsibility for voicing dissatisfaction lies with the employee, in complete confidentiality and anonymity.
– By appointing a Project Confidant, the organisations signals that resistance is taken seriously and lsitened to. In addition, it gives responsibility to the complainant. Those are important factors in dealing with resistance and prevents the resitance from jeapardising project objectives.
– The project manager has support and knows there is a listening ear in the project, so signals not directly expressed to them, can still reach them, which they can act on.